Analyzing Iago's Power and Self-Destruction in Othello

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The Disgruntled Ensign A depraved soul would generate chaos, inflict pain, and stir up trouble for its own satisfaction. Iago undoubtedly fits this description seeing that he is a sadist who attains power by annihilating others. In The Tragedie of Othello, the Moore of Venice, he is a sinister force steering virtuous people towards their gruesome deaths. Furthermore, he is the core focus of this academic essay. Our antagonist is an astounding piece of work. He pleads indifference despite dedicating his entire existence for revenge. Starting over with a clean slate would have been a better course of action but his wounded pride prevented him from doing so. Racial hatred consumed him and became his undoing as a result he is self-destructive. …show more content…

(Carey & McCulloch) With careful examination, one could easily recognize the resemblance. Iago is a masterful deceiver who has no intention of keeping the grand promises he makes. Similarly, the Devil’s guarantees are nothing but an illusion. (pmadmin, 2017) Iago delivers fancy narratives to allure people and lead them toward their destruction. By the same token, Satan circulates fabricated stories to entice humankind and divert them from salvation’s path. (pmadmin, 2017) Lucifer tempts us to commit sinful deeds. (pmadmin, 2017) Likewise, Iago persuaded Othello to asphyxiate Desdemona and murdering an innocent soul without a valid excuse is one of the grievous sins. Beelzebub adorns misdeeds in the eyes of transgressor’s. (pmadmin, 2017) Iago equally disguised Othello atrocity as a last resort to restore his dignity, Emilia’s theft as an opportunity to gain his admiration, and Cassio’s approach of a married woman as a reasonable prospect to clear his name. This analysis demonstrates that our antagonist is the embodiment of evil which destroyed everything good in the lives of Othello’s …show more content…

His presence within the play is far more crucial than Othello’s seeing that he singlehandedly manipulated its action. More importantly, the whole play is centered on his revenge and willingness to make other people's lives miserable. Without his existence, Othello and Desdemona might have secured there happily ever after. F. R. Leavis asserts that a lot of attention tends to be paid for him while he is subordinate and merely ancillary. I wholeheartedly disagree since this is the only play that Shakespeare wrote where a "supporting role" dominates so much of the stage. As a matter of fact, it is so easy to be absorbed by his performance in Act 2 that one loses sight of Othello despite the repeated references to him. Due to his soliloquies, the audience feels far more insightful into his character and is able to understand him when other characters could not. Despite that the majority are unable to feel sympathy towards him because he represents all the envy, desire and malignity hidden within

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