Analysis: The Road Not Taken

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I would say that for most of my decisions, I make them as if it were a movie. By this I mean I view every outcome of my decision and how it will affect other decisions in the future. This even applies to simple decisions. For instance, when deciding what to do for dinner on a particularly long day. If I eat out then that cost money that I could use to do something fun like go to a movie. However, if I go home and cook, that's more time till I go to bed and then I might be exhausted and sluggish the next day. Like a movie, every decision leads to a new scene or part of life. A person’s life can often be broken down the different choices they made in life. The choices are what build character and reputations. Like a movie, if you put it all a person’s choices together you begin to see their story. A great quote from Professor Dumbledore says, "It is our choices that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities." …show more content…

The poem was called “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost. I read that poem every night for the longest time. I have had it memorized ever since and it has always been my favorite. The poem talks about a man who has come to a crossroads in his life and he has to make a choice which path to take. I believe this poem is what influences the way I think and make decisions in my life. It is beautifully written piece by one of my favorite

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