Analysis Of Writing: My Strengths And Weaknesses Of My Writing

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When it comes to writing, grammar and spelling would be what I consider my greatest strengths. My weaknesses would have to be the creativity that I put into my writing and that I sometimes have problems making my message clear to readers. I would say I have more strengths than weakness, having more strengths is good. My strengths tell me what I’m already good at, assuring me that I should keep doing my best in these areas. My weakness are what I strive to improve, pushing myself to work hard and make my weaknesses into strengths. My main weakness is my use of creativity in writing, this is problematic because my writing as a result comes off boring and vague. On the other hand, I have more strengths than weaknesses, some of my main strengths …show more content…

But my strengths and weakness are not the same for other people in the World because everyone has their own struggles when it comes to writing. Some weaknesses that I believe people in the World have are spelling, grammar, and organization. Some people are not as good with writing around the World because in some countries the education system is weak and there is little to no emphasis on reading and writing. Another weakness that some people might have when it comes to writing is their ability to smoothly switch topics within a given work. People around the World also have many strengths though such as boding their paragraphs, making their writing interesting and creative in a way that people would want to read there writings. Another strength that many people have is being able to make a connection with the reader so that the reading can feel real to the reader. People in the community have many strengths and weakness when it comes to writing. Places like writing centers are great because they help the people within the community to improve their weaknesses. Being engaged in/with the community means being active and having knowledge of the people in the

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