Analysis Of 'Wasting Away In America' By Bill Mckibben

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Wasting Away in America The passage written by Bill McKibben, entitled “Waste Not, Want Not” was written to bring to the forefront the huge amount of waste that a small community of only 500 people accumulate in a small amount of time. He educated the reader by showing in detail the amounts of waste that is created on a daily basis. The wasteful effects on the environment are then discussed in greater detail, that many people do not stop to think about. Last, the focus on how waste affects the economy and the personal time that is lost because of the massive amount of waste that we accept in our daily lives. McKibben describes in the passage about the massive amount of waste that is created in the United States. He states that “80 million …show more content…

He states that “Life is about 30,000 days long and we all waste so much time looking at junk mail (333) of things that we do not want nor, do we really need it. Imagine the amount of time that has been wasted doing frivolous things like opening unrequested, unnecessary mail, and what could have been done during that time? Spending time doing more creative, meaningful things like spending time with friends and family. McKibben further addresses the effects of the amount of waste that happens in America is harming the environment in so many ways. For instance, “Over 100 million trees are cut down each day so that junk mail can be delivered to our mail boxes by way of newspapers, magazines, symphony music and so much more (332-333).” These trees have been scientifically proven to help with the supply of oxygen in the atmosphere, which is needed for life as we know it. It is unreasonable and unhealthy to cut down so many trees and not replace them with new trees, for future generations. McKibben discusses that the amount of time that is being …show more content…

For instance, some educated Harvard scholars waste their time and talents by providing consulting services to help reduce or save money for big companies (334) - most of the time- this means that peoples jobs will be eliminated, and they will be out of work. This creates more financial hardships on the employees and their families because they need to then seek out additional government resources to help provide for their family. Next, look at the amount of waste that the American government places on its citizens by the amount that has been spent on the War in Iraq. American has spent more money in this war than the next ten largest militaries in the world. Being the richest country on Earth we waste the talents of the people (which are most valuable resources) by limiting the jobs that are offered to African Americans, women and members of the gay community. When the country does this, we are restricting the talents and fruits that can be produced by these citizens. Not to mention the sickening amount of money that Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of large company’s waste within their companies. Can you imagine sitting on a toilet that cost $35,000 such as the one purchased by the CEO of Merrill Lynch (334). Or even the birthday party that cost Tyco CEO over 1 million dollars for his wife, that even had an ice sculptor of the famous

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