Analysis Of Tuesdays With Morrie's Life

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One myth that I subconsciously believed prior to reading this book and taking this course is that society fears aging. Just from reading Tuesdays with Morrie alone I have learned aging is an experience, an opportunity, and something that should not be feared. The reality of aging is that death is inevitable but the good thing is we can live a happy and fulfilling life no matter what our elderly years hold for us. Take Morrie’s life for example. In no way was he experiencing healthy aging. He was trapped inside this body that was quickly withering away yet he still had a full spirit and his mind was still full of abundant knowledge and wisdom. Morrie displayed love, human goodness, encouragement, and even accepted his own debilitating disease and promised death. Morrie found himself drawn to a couple different religions and even though he did not identify with any particular religion fully he believed in reincarnation and renewal of life and death. Throughout the book Morrie taught that every individual is constantly …show more content…

My viewpoint on death has also changed because of this book. I learned that it is much more satisfying to accept death and live a better life because of it, instead of living day by day as if I am given abundant amount of time to live. I truly dismiss the idea of waiting for the weekend, waiting for summer, waiting till after graduation, waiting till I have a job, waiting till I am married, etc. It is time that I live in the now because the truth of it is aging is inevitable and we are not given an infinite supply of time on this earth. It is up to each and every one of us to make a difference in each other’s lives; to give love and to receive love, to grow and learn and to accept death but live because of

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