Analysis Of Triolet By Robert Bridges

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A Triolet, Impacted with Love and Loss In Robert Bridges’ poem “Triolet” (1876), he expresses a love that was new and unexpected. Then in the last few lines an unexpected turn approaches, that thought of love that was good and new has now turned to anguish. In his poem Bridges shows the readers how familiar love can be, but also how diverse it also can be. He captures how easy it may be to fall in love, and yet hard to keep from losing it. Though the title of the poem does not define the theme of the poem Bridges does a beautiful job using “Triolet” for the title of his poem. The Victorian Bridges’ does this by expressing to his readers that this style of poem not only can a very passionate message, can be said in very few words with the same amount of depth and connection. He does this by using key elements such as diction, tone, sound and rhythm. Bridges main goal in this poem is to demonstrate abundant amounts of emotion and depth to grasp his readers, while maintaining a light and simple verse. A triolet is an old French style poem. Some of the earliest triolets were written by Poet Patrick Carey unfortunately he did not live a long life (1623-1657). A triolet is a stanza or short poem of only eight lines with only two rhymes used throughout the poem. Bridges reintroduces triolets back to the English …show more content…

As he explains his sudden love, which vanquishes to become a sore disaster, he uses words that do not have any devotion of anger or carelessness throughout the poem. But while reading this poem you actually feel the love and the loss as well. One may feel these emotions by the sudden change from the beginning of the poem to the last lines of it by bridges showing certainty of love to then not being so certain anymore. Which Bridges desired to do while writing his poetry, he wants the reader to feel intact with the words and the spiral of vibes as he gets while

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