Analysis Of Todd Buchholz's From Here To Economy

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Todd Buchholz’s From Here To Economy is a pleasurable and entertaining piece of economic literature. The purpose of this book is to provide the reader with the basic knowledge of economic principles in an entertaining and engaging way. The key components in making this book so enjoyable are his smooth transitions, and unique layout. The figurative language included in this piece is artfully inserted to engage the reader and make them what to continue reading. Each of these components is a key player in making this a great educational book. The entire book has a distinctive formatting unlike any other book. Each chapter has a board title usually foreshadowing the concepts that will be discussed within that particular chapter. For example, …show more content…

Buchholz provides the reader with the information not spitting out long,complicated, and unnecessary explanations, but with rich figurative language. He uses similes that are both enjoyable and effective in conveying his idea. The similes help with relating economic concepts to real world images. My favorite example is his comparison of microeconomics is like looking through a microscope and macroeconomics is like getting an aerial view. That is one specific example of his usage of figurative language. There are many other examples that can be found through the book. He starts off with humor, setting a fun, but constructive mood for the remainder the of literature which i find admirable. Creating a book that combines humor and quality information is extraordinary. There is a misconceptions that in order to get information across to the audience you must be serious and only give fact. Buchholz challenges that and succeeds. He includes humor and manages to capture and intrigue his audience. He captivates the audience with humor. The humor and figurative language ware a great incentive to continue reading. There are some books that only include straight fact, concepts, and vocabulary constantly reminding you you are reading an educational book. His purpose is to provide you with economic concepts and ideas in a manner that is enjoyable and easy to understand. Buchholz does an amazing job of providing the reader with a plethora of information that doesn’t sound like he just puts multiple dictionary definitions together. His strategies in presenting a coherent, educational yet enjoyable book are well

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