Analysis Of Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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Love, is what people always find for when they look for in a relationship with any particular individual. They seem to sacrifice for what they feel for a special someone, and it’s just a bond that makes you want to die for. In the fiction novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, Janie the protagonist seems to pursue a quest for true love. With the lessons she experiences throughout her life, she uses the knowledge she has to move forward and finally feels free for once.
Hurston’s use of diction illustrates that Janie Crawford believes if she listens to her grandmother’s advice to get her marry to Logan Killicks, she would be financially supported and not be lonely anymore. As she finally gets married, she asks her grandmother why she hasn’t loved him and her grandmother responds how he “Got a house bought and paid for and sixty …show more content…

This brings visual imagery to the deep care of their love for one another. The way Tea cake treats her is with “kissing her breath away. Holding her and caressing her as if he feared she might escape his grasp and fly away.” (Hurston 107) Tea cake seen as a good example of symbolism for being Janie’s comforter and protector. He makes her want to take risks and encourage her to try new things. He’s the reason that motivates her to be the person she always needed and wanted to be. Which makes Janie a dynamic character to not overlook in the past and turns into a free spirited woman. Midway of the story, Tea cakes as well turns into a dynamic character because he becomes violent when he gets bitten by a rabid dog. After Janie waited so long to find her one true love, she says he will not die until she does. Janie’s first two failed marriages stole her innocence, which she achieved by completing maturity and her adulthood. Within what she went through, it provides such a heart-rending tone that accentuates the feeling of what Janie can

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