Analysis Of The Street By Ann Petry

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In an excerpt of The Street, Ann Petry illustrates Lutie Johnson's determination against the formidable wind and offers a perspective that sheds light on its underestimated consequences. Through personification and selection of detail, the narrator effectively characterizes the wind and its unrelenting "fingers" as an unwelcoming and obtrusive force that is capable of uncovering society's filth.
By initially introducing the November wind as a personified figure, the narrator sets up the cold gust as the text's primary antagonist. With its "violent assault," the wind renders the streets unappealing to pedestrians and even "finger[s] its way along the curb" to throw paper remnants into the faces of those who dare to combat the swirling wind's hurricane of trash. In the third paragraph, the wind amasses even more strength and becomes increasingly aggressive and villainous in its attempt to "discourage the people" from trekking across the streets. Here, it has taken another step forward to ensure that nothing passes through its barriers unaffected; it retaliates against the people by att...

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