Analysis Of The Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si '

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The Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si, establishes a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of our environment. Accordingly, Pope Francis did not fail to succinctly summarize the condition of our common home and even found it necessary to identify the probable causes of the recurring destruction and exploitation of the environment. Likewise, Pope Francis also conferred significant points with regard to the repercussions that came along with humanity’s liking for scientific and technological advancement. He explicitly stated in his encyclical that rather than enriching the Earth and its intrinsic aspects, we further exploit such aspects through our efforts in to “improving” its condition. In relation to the aforementioned statement, it …show more content…

As such, Pope Francis discussed the issues of global warming and climate change which he describes as “… a global problem with serious implications, environmental, social, economic, political and for the distribution of goods; it represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our day.” By the same token, Pope Francis mentioned of the loss of biodiversity and issues regarding water-related resources. He conferred about the former as an impending concern, due to the fact that these creatures are being exploited as mere “resources”, contrary to their intrinsic value as the creatures of the Earth. In addition to the aforementioned statements, Pope Francis also raised the issue of the prevalence of weak responses to the recurring dilemma that our common home is facing as of the moment. Accordingly, he expressed his deep concern towards this issue. Furthermore, He professed that although there has been many efforts contributed by the sciences to resolve man-made problems, there has been a decline in terms of changing bad habits and eradicating lavish lifestyles which could are also factors that affect the current condition of our …show more content…

As stated in Chapter 4 of Laudato Si, Integral ecology is an ecology “which respects our unique place as human beings in this world and our relationship to our surroundings”. As such, excerpts from the said chapter implies the presupposed intrinsic attitude towards the environment that discusses our deep-seated relationship with our surroundings. The statement “nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live.”, explicitly depicts our supposed approach towards our environment, clearly stating how we should promote its development and in all means preserve its beauty and

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