Analysis Of The Old Man Fishess In The Sea

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The old man fishes in the sea one. For eighty-four days he has not caught any fish. In the first forty days a boy was fishing with him. parents then sent him to work for another, more "lucky" boat. The old man looks thin, emaciated and very old. Young had only the eyes - eye color of the sea.

The boy caught the other boat a few fishes, offers Santiago (old man) to go back with him into the sea. The old man against the fact that the child left with a lucky boat.

The boy treats the old man a beer on the terrace. They recall how Santiago for the first time took the baby into the sea and was rescued from the big fish. After a beer boy helping an old man to carry fishing gear to the cabin. Santiago falls asleep in his chair reading the newspaper. The boy brings …show more content…

Because it produces yellow algae shrimp and eats them. He begins to feel that he dreamed of catching a fish. At some point, the old man catches a fish shark. The old man kills her, thrust the spear head. Dead shark carries with him to the bottom of the forty pounds of fish, the harpoon and the rest of the ropes.

Trying to reassure yourself, Santiago begins to think and talk to himself. His thoughts revolve around sin. He asks himself, if not a sin to kill the fish, and understands that there is no - not sin, because he was born a fisherman, just as the fish was born fish. The old man thinks that he killed for food. Then he comes to the conclusion that killing the big fish, he was proud, and pride - the sin. Shark he was killed with pleasure, but in this case he was fighting for his life.

After a while, a boat overtaking two other sharks, of New World scavengers. The old man kills them strung on a paddle blade. These sharks carry with them a quarter of the fish, with the best of its meat. The old man apologizes to the fish.

Next shark knife breaks Santiago. With swam at sunset predator old man trying to fight club. From fish remains half. The old man hard to look at

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