Analysis Of The Movie Luther

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The movie Luther is set in the early 1500s of Europe, specifically Germany, and was directed by Eric Till. The movie is a biography of Martin Luther and it explores the three decades of his life that ultimately led him to start the Protestant Reformation. Some of the cast includes Joseph Fiennes, Alfred Molina, Jonathan Firth, Claire Cox, Peter Ustinov, and Bruno Ganz. It was released October 30, 2003 as an independent film that was funded to a limited extent by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. The movie Luther exhibits political, economical, and social issues of the early 16th century that connects to current historical information of that time. The film follows Martin Luther, who starts as a German monk, on a journey to understand his faith. After a trip to Rome he discovers corruption in the Church which leads him to challenge some of the Church’s beliefs by writing the 95 Theses. After refusing to recant his beliefs he is excommunicated from the Church which causes much chaos. Prince Fredrick saves Luther’s life by kidnapping him before others can and in return Luther dedicates the now translated German Bible to him. After more chaos and riots about Luther’s “disappearance” he marries Katherine von Bora and encourages the nobles to stand up to Charles V which works in his favor when the nobles are allowed to read their Augsburg Confession. There are many political issues addressed in this movie starting with the authority of the Church being challenged by Luther. The authority of the Church is exemplified during the scene where the new pope is elected and is revealed to be Pope Leo X. Pope Leo X used his authority to excommunicate Luther because he kept complaining about the selling of indulgences and wrote his 95 Theses. Th... ... middle of paper ... ...istening to John Tetzel. The viewer can see them at almost every public gathering and see their reactions which reflect the reactions of the other poor people. The film also gave insight to the corruption in the Catholic Church. For example Luther saw a brother leaving with a prostitute. Also there was a scene where Cardinal Cajetan showed Aleander statues of the prior popes and told him of their real personalties, like how Pope Alexander VI had wives and mistresses even though it is against their religion for holy men to marry nevertheless cheat. The movie Luther provides an exceptional visual biography of the life of Martin Luther. The political, economical, and social issues addressed in this movie pertain to the current and previous chapters discussed in class. The ideas of Luther challenged the Catholic religion and ultimately led to the Protestant Reformation.

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