Analysis Of The Movie Ella Enchanted

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After a long day skiing and a hearty dinner, I sit on the leather sofa in the living room, reclining in my chair while I warm up with the heat of the fire next to me. As I listen to the chatter between all my extended family, we decide to end the night with a movie. My aunt goes upstairs to retrieve a movie from the DVD closet, she searches through the wooden shelves filled with every movie imaginable. She refuses to tell us the film, as she slides the disc into the DVD player. What eight-year-old wouldn’t be excited to watch a movie that they know nothing about? As we all watch the movie trailers before the film begins, the tension in the room rises. The suspense peaks as we all wait for the big reveal. As the words ‘Ella Enchanted’ flash …show more content…

It all boils down to the one word, a word that controls all of society: conformity. What I was subconsciously realizing was that Anne Hathaway wasn’t portraying a character in a film, she was acting as a female version of myself. She did everything she was told, without thinking about it. “How ridiculous?” I thought, “Who does everything that they are told to do?” After the movie, the parents told us to go to bed, to get ready for the big day that we had ahead of us. This was how they got all fifteen boisterous children to bed. I lay in the top bunk of the bunk bed, under three warm blankets and completely tucked in, staring at the brush strokes on the ceiling. I think about the movie, reflecting on what I just saw, while the chatter of my cousins on other bunks about the film is background noise. They discussed the small and large parts of the film, everything from the way Benny dressed to the performance of the song at the end of the film. But these things didn’t concern me, as I was about to discover something much larger. The thought finally occurs to me, as it was drifting aimlessly like a lost child in a department store, “I know someone who does everything that they’re told: it’s …show more content…

For the past 18 years, I have focused on doing everything adults tell me to, I can’t resist the temptation to obey their commands. As I get older, I see the value in conformity, and how it holds our society together. Without it, everything would break into chaos. Simply abiding by social constructs has had an incredibly profound impact on my life, even abiding by those which I may not whole-heartedly agree with has benefited me. After all, these choices are so common and accepted because they will likely lead to happiness and success, not because they are known for having a negative impact on the lives of those who choose these paths. The social constructs that I abide by aren’t specifically part of any category, in fact they generally fall into many different categories. The best choices in my life were the easiest, because I never had to make a decision, I simply tagged along. Many experiences in my life have reinforced the notion of the power that conformity gives people. But doing what everybody else does may not be beneficial to you based upon the society you live in and the standards it

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