Analysis Of The Metamorphoses Of The Vampire

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First Impressions This piece of poetry was very intriguing to me. I’ve always been interested in vampires and other “fictional” monsters. My very first impression came from the first thing I read, the title. “The Metamorphoses of the Vampire” is a title that makes readers use the gears in their brains right away. I had to recall that metamorphoses, by definition, is a change completely in form or nature. Therefore, I assumed this was a story of someone turning into a vampire. I purely picked this poem based off of the title. It is hard to say if I like or dislike this piece. There are some parts that I yet do not understand. Hopefully, going in deeper will help me put this poem together. The first words that came to mind while reading this piece were sexual and confusing. When I say sexual I mean a different kind of sexual. The speaker finds abnormal things sensual and pleasing. The speaker finds pleasure in dark and twisted activity. There were several words/phrases that brought me to this conclusion. My first example is “While, like a snake on coals, she twinged and/ twired … let fall those words impregnated with musk,” (2-6). Judging by how the poem ends, I am guessing she is experiencing pain, and her pain is being enjoyed by the speaker. Another …show more content…

“While, like a snake on coals, she twinged and/ twired.” (2), gives me a descriptive picture of how her body is moving. Another example I found is “Old men, like little children, laugh with glee.” (11). This simile is comparing the old men’s laugh to the way a child laughs. When the author used this simile, it gave me a different feeling about the poem. These men are giddy, and I am not entirely sure why. Yes, I find this poem confusing, but the author did a great job of describing this little interaction. I can clearly see what is going on in the poem. I’m just having some trouble putting it all together to make

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