Analysis Of The Mediocre Teacher Inspires

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William Arthur Ward wrote: The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. (Koch, 2012) This powerful statement talks about the goodness of fit. This is the qualities of a person that makes them feel qualified to pursue a career in teaching. As a teacher I will be responsible for the next generation of the world so I must make sure that I possess the qualities that will inspire them. As an educator you must make sure that you are able to be a centered presence. I feel that I embody this because I have worked with youths for many years in an out of a class setting. I also have the pleasure of taking a group of 12 adult students and teaching them how to become effective leaders. …show more content…

Attentive listening would be one of my biggest practices young children pay attention to everything so they would be able to know if my response would be genuine or generic. Also the words of a teacher hold much power your response is the difference between a productive days or a day that the student just wants to be over. Being a teacher comes with an abundance of other inner jobs that are behind the scenes and you have to be prepared for anything because no days will be the same and I believe that is one of the best parts of the teaching profession. I want to be a part of helping to help shape and change the one thinks about the world and I truly consider this to be one of the rewards of being an amazing teacher due to the fact that a student will be different after they leave your class and everyone after that. The world is ever changing for that reason a teacher has to keep up with the world that is evolving around them. Students will merge the classroom and the outside world together it will be an educator job to show them how to do these things at the appropriate

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