Analysis Of 'The Loneliness Of The Long-Distance Runner'

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Varieties of Protest: The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner
The differences between the image of life as a race and the image of life as a run in The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner are distinct ones that have a large impact on how Smith chooses to live his life. In particular, Smith believes that his life is a run and not a race, specifically due to the fact that he does not see himself as some sort of race-horse for Borstal, and running is what keeps Smith going. By running Smith allows his thoughts to flow freely, which is exactly what he wants in life.

The first and foremost difference that can be spotted between the idea of life as a race and life as a run can be seen in the immediate temperament that Smith has in the story. …show more content…

This is in exact opposition to a race, where the runner is FORCED to run as fast as they possibly can regardless of whether they enjoy it or not. As such, if one races through life, they will not have time to slow down and enjoy the parts of it that are good, as opposed to if they run through life at their own pace and have time to truly live. This is demonstrated by Smith in the story after he throws away the race that he was in, when he says “It’s about time to stop; though don’t think I’m not still running, because I am, one way or another” (Sillitoe 1230). This shows how much Smith values running and how he is against the idea of racing, as he will continue on in his life “running” - whether that be through metaphorical or literal means.

Due to all of this, life as a run is far more enjoyable than life as a race. Life as a run allows oneself to have freedom in what they do and actual thought behind what they do, rather than being some race horse that is bred to do nothing but win and cannot think for itself. Additionally, racing through life is far less enjoyable than running through life, since racing through life has only one goal: to finish. As such, running is far more enjoyable as you can take time and slow down through the moments that you enjoy, then speed up

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