Analysis Of The Killer Angels In The Battle Of Gettysburg

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This statement absolutely applies to all the soldiers who fought in the Battle of Gettysburg. Both the Union and Confederate soldiers were symbolic as killer angels, people who fought for what they believed was right, even if that meant killing other soldiers. The people who were fighting were citizens of the same nation, sometimes brother against brother. Tom Chamberlain and Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain were an exception to this. These brothers were both fighting on the Union Army. Sometimes soldiers fought people who they were formerly friends with. Ultimately, the war turned the two sides of the nation against each other. This led to the mass destruction and killing of our nation’s population. Each soldier was a killer angel in his own way in which he fought and carried on through one of the bloodiest battles of the war. Using the title of the book to say that the soldiers are killer “angels” is an excellent description. They were people who fought for a cause, which was not always understood by some. In the introduction of the novel, soldiers from Lee’s army are described as most...

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