Analysis Of The Hand By Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette

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Being obedient to a leader… what comes to mind? Most people would say a dog and it’s owner but in the 1900’s what came to mind was women being obedient to their husbands. The short story “The Hand”, by Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette, shows how the women were to be obedient to the male and what they were to do. This story uses the hand of the husband to show its power and strength over the women and simultaneously showing the roles of what the women were to do. In the short story, “The Hand”, it reflects the period of time by showcasing the women's roles due to the overpowering male role. A young woman's role was to get married quickly so they could have the security from the male and start having children, so they can go into their stereotypical jobs. The women in the story was quick to get hitched for, “It had been …show more content…

Men are quick to react to something in violence when the hand, “..but the hand, offended, reared back and tensed up in the shape of a crab and waited, ready for battle.”(283 Collette) They have this aggressive response to certain things and really showed the more power they had over women during this time. Women were not looked upon as equal to the men they were suppose to be, “The ideal woman was submissive; her job was to be a meek, obedient, loving wife who was totally subservient to the men around her.”(Trueman) Their purpose was specifically to take care of the children and to make the men happy and to serve them. Then you have the power side where men say, “We do not believe women . . . are fit to have their own head. Without masculine direction or control, she is out of her element and a social anomaly -- sometimes a hideous monster”(Trueman) It was expected to have the guidance so this women in the story needed that control and direction from the masculine hand to keep her under control. Women being controlled can always lead to some

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