Analysis Of The Growing College Gap By Tamara Draut

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In “The Growing College Gap”, author Tamara Draut suggests that in spite the growth of high school graduates pushing forward with plans of higher educational goals, socioeconomic situations play a role in college access and achievement among class and race. Draut validates this claim by explaining “When student aid is focused on merit rather than need, it tends to go to students from families who can already afford college tuition…The same can’t be said for need-based aid. The availability of grant aid has a big influence on whether lower-income students will enroll in college at all” (382-383). Draut’s position is that many lower income students are not able to attend college due to the shift in funding from need-based aid to merit-based aid. …show more content…

This in turn forces them to obtain loans to fill the void or go to a school they can afford such as community colleges. Further clarifying, Draut testifies, “Another 168,000 college-qualified students don’t enroll in any college at all. Unmet need has forced low- and moderate-income families to abandon the most successful recipe for obtaining a college degree: full-time on-campus study” (384). Draut explains this further with the decline of federal aid for students to attend a 4 year college they many choose the cheaper alternative. For some, community colleges may be the only affordable option with the flexibility to work a full time job. Unfortunately this adds to the tussle between working a paying job, and going to school, and the schooling is dropped as a result or they just don’t …show more content…

For most lower class families, the hopes of getting financial aid to attend college is pretty slim because they all too often make over the allotted amount based on certain criteria, and most families are over extended with their finances as it is to be able to apply for loans. The young adults can’t get the loans without the parent’s help, so they have to wait until they reach a certain age and that’s why in my opinion, there are so many 25 year old or older students attending college so they can get the loans on their own, or hopefully make enough money out of high school to pay for

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