Analysis Of The God Who Made A Miracle Out Of David

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Conclusion: The whole matter may be summed up with the following couplet:
Focus on giants – you stumble.
Focus on God – your giants stumble. (p.9)
Lift your eyes, giant slayer. The God who made a miracle out of David stands ready to make one out of you.

I. The odds are against you

The preacher compares in this story the giant goliath with our possible struggles. For instance unemployment, grades, pornography or a career. The preacher starts off with a slender boy searching for a flat rock to kill a bear or a lion, or in this case a giant. Then he switches to Goliath, and describing him as a big wrestler at some sort of championship. What does our giant do instead of carrying a big sword, bringing bills or giving you low grades, or …show more content…

When is the last time you cut of the head of your giant? We tent to retreat and feel safe for a moment, but then later we hear our Goliath again. Booming. Bombastic. Try to a different tack. Amplify God and minimize Goliath. Try and take a swing at your giant. Someone might ask what god saw in David. He did things wrong in his life, but he did face this giant! Acts 13:22 reminds us that God said that “David was a man after God’s own heart.” God sees everyone the same and we all have to take the same rollercoaster. We all have giants our lives.
The preacher’s transition is, focus first, and most, on God. The times David did, giants fell. The days he didn’t, David did. IV. Focus on God not giants

David only focusses on Goliaths himself, not on the size of his sword or on Goliath’s skill. Instead of this David focusses on the Lord. The Lord is mentioned nine times in this story.
Conclusion: The whole matter may be summed up with the following couplet:
Focus on giants – you stumble.
Focus on God – your giants tumble. (p.9)
Lift your eyes, giant slayer. The God who made a miracle out of David stands ready to make one out of

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