Analysis Of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo '

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7 - Title - Description of Treatments - Conclusion (refer to the introduction statistic/ story/ quote) Grammar and Punctuation Works Cited Presentation Jenny Tong Laura Wu Mr. M. Quemby PSY4C.01 24 March 2015 Title (Your question) There are approximately 3% males and 1% female with anti-social personality disorder (ASPD) in general population. Anti-social personality disorder is one of the very common chronic personality disorder (PD), which also known as psychopathy and sociopathy. APSD can be triggered by environmental and genetic factors. People with ASPD often disregard others’ rights and feelings, their abilities to form bonds and communicate with others are dysfunctional. The movie, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo illustrated a girl, Lisbeth Salander, with APSD. Analysis on Lisbeth’s life and behavior throughout the movie shows how people with APSD interact with others and integrate with society. Patients with APSD can live a satiable life if appropriate treatment is given. Movie Summary …show more content…

Lisbeth Salander is a talented young computer hacker who does pirate investigation for Milton Security. She was hired by a rich industrialist, Henrik Vanger to investigate a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomqvist. She later assisted Mikael on the investigation of Henrik’s missing niece, Harriet Vanger, who was presumed to be murdered by a member of Vanger’s family 40 years ago. As the investigation go on, Mikael and Lisbth learned more about each other. Lisbeth is anti-social due to the traumatic events happened in the past. She is kept under legal guardianship as she was claimed unable to manager her own life with violence background. The presumption turned out half-right, Harriet Vanger escaped, but surprisingly Harriet Vanger’s father and brother were both involved in a serial killing of young women and the missing of Harriet

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