Analysis Of The Coquette In The Boarding School

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In an old society such as 1799 having intimacy with someone and not being marry was unacceptable, it questioned the integrety of the woman and values of the family. It was a shame and even more if got to be pregant ,no man will take her has wife and single mother will not be easy. Eliza Wharton´s a fiction character made up from the novel ¨The Coquette¨ by Hanna Webster Foster a higher educated woman lived in 1758-1840 published The Boarding School; or, Lessons of a Preceptress to Her Pupils, a commentary on female education in the United States and her more famous ¨The Coquette¨ inspired in the gossip around the city about women who where easy lovers. It is a common case with a more complex message for the young ladies in which morals are …show more content…

She was pointed and hardly talk around by everyone. Dignity for any women then and now is a hard word, respect your body and heart and no harm will come is what most mothers and grandmothers teach until today. Have the courage to stop any out of marriage relationship and be a good girl, don 't let any lie told by a marry man get to it and wait for a good man to love and take you as a wife. Cultural norms says that you cant be with a man who is marry, you must wait your turn and be the only one for him, Eliza dint got it but learned the hard way that if she have a minimum of dignity she could have been happy and loved.. The are many Eliza´s even today but more and more awareness is told each time trying to have less cases alike. Morals are learn at home and is …show more content…

They say that love is love, but what if for love your life go miserable? if love make you be criticed by half city? thats what make it so complex, until what point love should be first. During the novel we see how loving the wrong man and making the wrong decisions take her death, she have the opportunity to be happy but chose the other way. Love could give life or take it, listen to your heart is good but mind and heart work better together and if she have chose the good and noble man Eliza will have her family and live longer enough to see them grow. What Webster try to express in the story was that hold in to the wrong person or situation will end up bad. Love is important but no more than dignity this two morals are connected don 't love someone more than you love yourself. There is a say We accept the love we think we deserve and Eliza did, all she wanted was to be love thinking being the second option someday will make him

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