Buddhist Death Rituals: Reflections of Core Beliefs

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“Ritual gives concrete and dramatic expression of beliefs within social and cultural settings,” (Goldberg, Blundell, & Jordan, Investigating Religion, 2009, p. 45). The Buddhist death ritual is intimately connected to Buddhism’s core religious beliefs. A combination of the ritual’s features (structure, actions, scripture and symbol) demonstrate and fulfil the rituals purpose and reflect Buddhism’s core beliefs, thus satisfying the needs of Buddhist participants.

Buddhism follows the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, and is therefore an ancient religion as Gautama was born in 563BCE and achieved Bodhi (enlightenment) in 525BCE. Following enlightenment Gautama was titled the Buddha. Following the Buddha’s death in 483BCE, the Sangha (religious …show more content…

Van Gannep’s three stage process is an apposite analysis of the Buddhist death ritual. The Buddhist death ritual progresses from separation, to transition and concludes with incorporation to achieve its purpose. The ritual assist’s the deceased in achieving Nirvana or a positive …show more content…

In the Buddhist death ritual the separation rite occurs before the deceased has passed. A Buddhist sits with the dying person in their final days and recites the Buddha’s teachings, meditates and talks to the person’s ‘matter’. This matter is not physical, but a bundle of energies which are an element of the Khandhas. Conversation and meditation reflects the sixth and seventh dimensions of the Eightfold Path: Right Effort and Right Mindfulness. Right Effort describes a Buddhist’s effort to prevent negative thoughts, whereas Right Mindfulness is the expansion of mindfulness, such as awareness of emotions, motives and actions. These states “remove the desire and hatred which lead to harmful actions” (Eckel, Understanding Buddhism: Origins, beliefs, practices, holy texts, sacred places, 2010, p. 59). Meditation is essential to the ritual’s purpose as mental and moral retribution dictates the process of death and rebirth. Separation rites have an intimate connection with the Khandhas and the Eightfold

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