Analysis Of The Big Banana By Andy Warhol

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Andy Warhol was hand design "The Big Banana" for the cover of the album 《the velvet underground & nico》, almost be the velvet underground logo."the big banana" just so simple, but to create the visual effect of memorable.Expressed a more unconventional theme, at that time,"transvestism"、"same-sex love"still was a taboo subject, fully embodies the spirit of "free".The banana itself is, of course, the handiwork of Andy Warhol, who crafted the image and slapped it on the cover of his pet band's first record in 1967. Warhol served as the manager and patron saint of the now iconic art rock band that surprisingly sold just 30,000 albums in its first five years.The sexually-charged effect was difficult for manufacturers to pull off (the time it took to perfect the peel was part of the reason behind the album's delayed release), but MGM deemed it warranted, since Warhol's stamp of approval was bound to go far in the 1960s. Alas, the record was hardly a commercial success. It was only in the decades after VU's breakup that the band became a cult favorite, transforming their vintage peel-off s...

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