Analysis Of The Best War Ever By Michael Cc Adams

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Take-Home Essay on The Best War Ever Hist 1002, ‘15SS, Porter Student Name: Jaala huber TA Name: Abigal Smith Section #: Chapter #s cited (Adams): 1,2, 5,6,7 Is it true Americans are rightfully notorious for creating inaccurate paradigms of what really happened in historical events Americans are tied to? Has America ever censored historical events in order to protect Americans innocent democratic reputation? After reading, “The Best War Ever” by Michael C.C Adams, I have found the answers to these questions to be yes. Some of the myths that Adams addresses in his book include: 1. America was innocent in world war two and was an ever acting protagonist in the war; 2. World war two or any war for that matter can be, or is a “good war” and bring prosperity to America; 3. War world two brought unity to Americans. America being innocent seems to be a common theme in majority of American history classes. Truth be told, there is never an innocent side to a war. Americans treated their own soldiers and people unjustifiably cruel during this time period, to say the least. Soldiers and civilians from other countries that had a form of participation in this war were …show more content…

As a result of the cost of the war “America in 1991 had huge debts from immense deficit spending.” (Chapter 2, page 36) The debt America was a result of America spending money that they did not have at the time. On top of that spending they had a lend lease going during the war with Brittan. The lend lease basically meant they were shipping and aiding Brittan during the war time knowing that Brittan would not be able to repay the debts. This all happened when America was still practicing isolationism. Once America officially began to join the war the spending went through the roofs. Also small businesses suffered from the small war. In chapter one Adams states” Small farmers and store owners went under.” (Chapter 1, page

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