Analysis Of Superman And Me By Sherman Alexie

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Superman and Me is one among many stories of the stereotypes associated with the American Indian culture. In this essay, the author, Sherman Alexie, writes about his childhood beginnings, and the role education played in his life. Throughout the text, Alexie uses different writing methods to create imagery for the reader. In the end, Alexie leaves the reader with the understanding that getting an education affects more than the individual but the community as a whole. In the beginning of Superman and Me, Alexie writes about he first came to read. His father’s interest in books inspired him to love them as well He began his newfound passion by picking up a Superman comic.(Alexie 583). At one point, paragraphs were far more than words;they were fences. He compared paragraphs in books to the paragraphs in his life. Although people were different, somehow they were linked, and important within their associated paragraphs (Alexie 583). …show more content…

The ridicule comes from his Indian pers as well as “outsiders.” Alexie faces a constant struggle to be like the rest of his Indian community:submissive,”stupid”, and failure. His desire to be different, to excel outlasted the need for acceptance from those who wanted to be mediocre in life. Every chance that Alexie received, he did as his father did;he read. He read at bookstores,the library, from cereal boxes,newspapers, the walls of the school. His love for books exceeded the joy it brought him.“I loved those books, but I also knew that love had only one purpose. I was trying to save my life (Alexie

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