Analysis Of Staying Fat For Sarah Byrnes

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Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes, written by Chris Crutcher, is about being an outcast, friendship, and standing up for what is right. The main character Eric, or Moby, whose best friend is Sarah Byrnes, find themselves going through a series of events of dark secrets, violence, betrayal, and more. In the book, these two best friends learn that friendship and sacrifice are vital in order to help find themselves.
The reason why Moby and Sarah Byrnes are such good friends is that they were both outcasts. They both thought of themselves as ugly. Eric was overweight and had a low self-esteem getting the nickname of Moby, and Sarah Byrnes was scarred all over her face and her hands from a hot spaghetti spill. But as they went through high school, Moby started to take on swimming, making him more skinny and lean. As a result, Sarah Byrnes was scared that he would become skinny and popular and, he would leave her behind. However, she was dead wrong, Moby tried to stay fat for her. He would eat so much that even Sarah would say , this shows that Sarah is worried about Moby’s health. This also ...

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