Analysis Of Star Wars

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Analysis Of Star Wars

This essay will be analysing the opening sequence of Star Wars. It

will be focusing on camera angles, binary opposition and codes and


This film is a typical example of sci-fi, we can tell this by the use

of visual codes and convention. The film is set in space and

Spaceships are in conflict with each other, there are lazers being

fired, robots are running around and there is a clear divide between

good and evil.

At the beginning of the sequence there are words scrolling back into

the distance telling a story. This sets the scene and lets the

audience know what is happening. When the last of the words have faded

the camera tilts down to reveal the surface of a planet. A small ship

flys by, then a much larger ship follows. This second ship almost

fills the whole screen, which gives a sense of fear and feels slightly

intimidating to the audience.

Whilst the two ships are battling, the Rebels ship has its main

reactor shut down; the Rebels ship is the smaller of the two, and is

now unable to move anywhere; we know this because of the first two

characters we meet, C3PO and R2D2, these are the two main robots in

the film. C3PO is a narrator figure, he tells the audience what is

going on and what could happen; He is also the one in panic whereas

R2D2 is very calm and laid back. There are many close ups of each

robot so the audience feels connected to them, especially C3PO because

he seems human. But even though R2D2 is not human people can still

connect with him because he is slightly comic in the way he makes

noises and the way he talks to himself.

Also each robot has its own colour t...

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...if that is spiralling too. The camera cuts to outside the

Pod; from here it is very clear that the Pod is spiralling down almost

out of control. It fades into the distance until it can't be seen.

Cutting between characters is sometimes quite rapid in a time of panic

of confusion. It's used to show different emotions in the same


The camera angles in the film are varied to show different feelings

and emotions. For example, when Darth Vader is introduced the camera

is tilted up to show he is tall and powerful.

Colouring is also very clear, right from the time the audience board a

ship it is clear which ship they are on, this is because of the robots

colouring and the humans' clothes. The robots are decorated with

friendly colours, white, blue and gold, and the humans' clothes are

plain with no armour.

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