Analysis Of Slaughterhouse-Five By Kurt Vonnegut

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In Slaughterhouse- five, Kurt Vonnegut successfully combines historical and biographical pieces to create the novel. But did he take his content too far? Vonnegut purposely gives accurate accounts of his lifetime to make his novel realistic. The realism depicted in the story includes real life descriptions of sex and gore filled images. Vonnegut also makes a habit of having dialogue with profanity. Many schools have tried to ban Slaughterhouse- Five because of the absurd amount of profanity, sexual scenes, and unpatriotic theme. For example, Missouri state university successfully banned Slaughterhouse- five from their school because a professor believed that the foul language was inappropriate for a school setting. School teachers, students,
He enlisted in the army in 1942 during World War II. In 1944, his mother committed suicide on Mother’s day. When he returned to fight at the battle of Bulge, he was captured to be a prisoner of war and moved to Dresden. While waiting in Dresden, the Allied forces leveled the city by bombing. The bomb killed thousands of people. Kurt Vonnegut was one of the survivors. The book Slaughterhouse- Five was published in March of 1969. Vonnegut based this book off of events that he had gone through. He tells his story through the main character, Billy Pilgrim. Although, the novel may be too realistic and mature, students should be allowed to read the book to be able to see life through someone else’s shoes. To be allowed to see what the real world is in other people’s
In the first few pages of the novel, curse words have appeared more than three times. One of the characters is carrying a pornographic picture of a woman and a horse which would make any parent want to get rid of the book immediately. The narrator makes statements that may come off as unpatriotic and anti- Christian. It is also true that the story may be too descriptive of gore filled events, but this should not stop someone from finishing the book. Once the reader gets through the mature content, they are able to see the true meaning of the story. They find out that the reason behind the novel was to warn people about sending kids to war. They can get many types of psychological diseases that cannot be cured by pills, treatments, or therapy. The main character of the novel, Billy Pilgrim believes that he is unstuck in time which could symbolize shell shock. This disease can be defined as a psychological disturbance that is caused by spending long periods of time in active warfare. The book shows that having true sight is key to being able to see the true ills in society. The true sight that Billy experiences is when he learns about the fourth dimension that the Tralfamadorians see. The fourth dimension is being able to see the past, present and future at the same time or being able to be unstuck in

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