Analysis Of Second Culture Kids

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In the story Second Culture Kids, a family is strongly encouraged to leave their lives in Venezuela because of the dangerous situations. Readers learn that telling ones story could be important for many reasons. It gives one a chance to explain what they’ve been through. It’s an opportunity to show all of the obstacles they faced on their way to success. In Amina’s case, telling her story is a way to express what she had to leave behind for a life full of freedom and safety in America.
Living in Venezuela wasn’t always pleasant. The living conditions were poor and the poverty levels were high. Things began to get violent and Amina’s father lost his job, due to the opposition against President Chavez. Their family had the opportunity to move to America for a safe life and Amina’s mother and father chose to accept the opportunity. Amina and her family left everything and everyone behind without a goodbye. Amina wasn’t particularly happy about leaving but it was for the best. Throughout the process of moving and trying to fit in Amina faced many challenges, for instance Amina was not happy about moving, and not knowing anyone or anything about where she was going to be living. She had to start over, she had to learn to live the life of an American teenager. Amina struggled with fitting in, but she soon found friends who accepted her and helped her find her way.
The author of Second Culture Kids was born and raised in Colorado Springs, and graduated from the University of Colorado. Shortly after graduating from University, Dian began teaching at a school in Denver, but decided to take some time off to write and travel. Dian has published board books, picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, and anthology...

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... in order to take Chavez down.
Just like in the story Second Culture Kids where Amina told her story and what obstacles she faced on her way to success and happiness, the author Dian did the same, as well as the previous president of Venezuela. They all have their own stories expressing what they’ve been through, explaining what they had to over come to get to where they are today. Not everyones story has a happy ending, but everyone has a story, everyones story is different, but not everyone feels the need to express it, this could be because they are not proud of what they’ve been through, or even because they’re still working on it so that they have something to be proud of. The point is that everyone has a story of their lives and what obstacles they had to face to get to where they are today, so embrace who you are and be happy with what you’ve accomplished.

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