Analysis Of Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue

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Japanese filmmakers excel at captivating/terrifying audiences with films that deal with the psyche, the base human instincts to stressful or horrific events. As opposed to Western psychological thrillers that often focus on frightening the audience, Japanese psychological thrillers focus on the effects the and the inner turmoil that characters experience. A common aspect of these films is the repression of the self. Many of the characters put on a face to appear fine but when they have reached their limit it results in a complete breakdown. The character’s inability to suppress the reality of themselves seeps into what they project onto others. In Satoshi Kon’s Perfect Blue, Mima’s transition from the suffocating lifestyle of an idol to an actress is difficult. Rather than admit that something is wrong, Mima believes herself to be going insane and pretends to be fine when she clearly isn’t. She allows herself to be put into situations she’s uncomfortable with for the sake of her acting debut, further stressing her mind. Mima fears that telling someone will make her a burden or …show more content…

Rumi’s own restrain of herself, the idol she wanted to be, has lead to mental collapse. The film blends the psyche and reality to the point where audiences are left unsure of what occurred. Rumi does not accept her failure as an idol yet presents herself as a stable individual until she reaches her breaking point. Mima’s film role parallels Rumi’s reality. In this sense, she is (gets to be?) Mima. Rumi and Mima are acting out each other’s realities. Instead of coming to terms with her life, Rumi forms an unhealthy obsession to cope. She adopts Mima’s life, seeking to purge whoever does not fit into her illusion of an innocent pop idol, eventually attempting to remove the source of her fantasy. Rumi appears normal until her room is revealed, this is where she can become, or imitate, the person she desires regardless of if her methods are

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