Analysis Of Pawel Kuczynski's 'Control'

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“New technology is not good or evil in itself. It’s all about how people choose to use it” 一 David Wong. Technology has led society to a level where people to uses it for entertainment than for practical support. Inevitable, apps games has influenced greatly the way people select to use it as shown in the artwork Control created by Pawel Kuczynski. The artwork demonstrates how teenagers and young adults are represented as individuals addicted to their technological devices. The polish artist, Pawel Kuczynski creates artworks that express satire in social, political, and cultural problems. His drawing, Control published in August 2016, captured the attention of many users on social media because it revealed the reality of technology. The message …show more content…

Kuczynski concentrates in using a specific color scheme composed of blue, brown, gray, and yellow that helps to form the unity. For instance, the background is made through different shades of brown, gray, and a bit of blue. The use of vibrant yellow for Pikachu makes a huge contrast with the other sections of the art because the young man and the background have more of a dull color. The dull colors on the background and boy set a fairly depressing mood about the seriousness of the problem. This contrast helps to emphasize the focal point, Pikachu. The value assists to produce an illusion of depth utilizing the darker values to make the boy look more three-dimensional than two-dimensional by having the highlight on the arm then to a transitional light to the core of the shadow reflected by the light. The texture of the shirt is displayed through the darker part which means that the cloth is soft and it indents at those certain darker value parts. The visual texture of the skin is smooth since no wrinkles are shown, clarifies the that it is a young character. There is movement in the artwork, in which Kuczynski created a path to indicate where the viewer’s eye should move. The area that the audience will look at first is the Pikachu due to the sharp color around the dull color and then it moves along the curve of the long neck reaching the arm

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