Analysis Of Nonverbal Communication

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Introduction Many people look at mother and daughter relationships and wonder how they get along so well. But in the case of my step sister and her mother it was the opposite. My step sister and her mom do not communicate well. They will get frustrated at each other and raise their voice to get their words across. The lack of a communication foundation is the reason of this dysfunctional relationship.The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between my step mom and her daughter. I will be examining the topic of nonverbal communication and verbal communication in this relationship. This research will provide me with a better understanding of this relationship and will also allow me to provide some strategies for when …show more content…

He explains nonverbal communication as “communication effect by means other than words, assuming words are the verbal element” (p.1). In Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction the authors discuss the different types of body movements and gestures of nonverbal communication, they provide the three main types of nonverbal communication. First, Knapp suggest that posture is an indicator of the level of care and respect given to the speaker. Next, they talk about facial expressions and the main six facial expressions that we display. These are “anger, sadness, surprise, happiness, fear and disgust” (p.12). Next they talk about eye behavior, they state that when the eyes dilate they show interest and attention. Nonverbal communication is key to any relationship, you can tell someone how you are feeling …show more content…

Building a communication foundation is important. You can build this foundation through sport or hobbies or anything that two people enjoy doing. In the future I am going to approach this relationship with advice and encouragement. I will encourage my stepsister and stepmom to engage in more healthy conversations. I would suggest for anyone else that may be dealing with a relationship like this, to start a conversation with the other person. Include hobbies to build that relationship until you create a strong foundation. It is important to know the concept of nonverbal and verbal communication so then you can apply them to your daily relationships. Anyone that is in a troubled relationship should look towards communication. The lack of communication is one of the main factors in troubled relationships. Being aware of how you are treating someone through verbal and nonverbal communication is vital in every relationship you may encounter. I will apply what I learend in the realtionships that i have as well. I can sometimes use negiitve nonverbal and verbal messages without me even knowing. I will be more conscious of how I use nonverbal and verbal communication in my relationships for now

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