Analysis Of Martin Heidegger's Notion Of Authenticity '

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Heidegger’s Notion of Authenticity Martin Heidegger is one of the most influential and highly regarded existential philosophers of the 20th century. Born in Meβkirch, Germany on September 26th 1889, Heidegger began his plight with life and theories of existentialism. Early in his life, Heidegger was influenced by Kierkegaard, and Edmund Husserl, which taught him the ideas of hermeneutics and phenomenology. Together, their ideas helped create one of Heidegger’s main ideas, his emphasis on being an authentic human being or “Dasein,” which translates “there Being.” The authenticity or Eigentlichkeit (own-ness) Heidegger preached was that a human being should strive to be an individual, to bring meaning to our lives. And if one does not seek to be an individual, Heidegger warns that they are doomed to dissolve into society and have no real life, a life controlled not by the ideas of the being, but of the society they belong to. Ultimately resulting in a life wasted because the being never formulated their own meaning to life. Heidegger’s notion of authenticity can be found in other philosopher’s ideals like Fredrick …show more content…

But adversely, Nietzsche explains that this is not the case in life, not all societal conventions like morals and virtues fit all people, and that one should not just accept them as truths, this is expressed with Nietzsche’s quote “Your virtue is health for your soul.” To truly be authentic, one should choose what works best for themselves, not what works for other people, this coincides with Heidegger’s fear of “dissolving” into society. That if one is to just accept the ideas provided to them immediately, they lose all sense of individualism and authenticity and are lost to the

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