Analysis Of Mama Elena In Like Water For Chocolate

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Due to her authoritative and assertive personality, Mama Elena is portrayed as a prominent representation of feminism in “Like Water for Chocolate”. Although she is a woman responsible for three of her daughters in the ranch after the death of her husband, Mama Elena takes charge of the place dauntlessly and aggressively. For example, when the revolutionary army stopped by the ranch in chapter five, “her gaze met that of the captain in charge, and he know immediately from the steeliness of her eyes that they were in the presence of a woman to be reckoned with” (Esquivel 89). Because of this, it portrays Mama Elena as a fearless woman who stands on her own grounds against an entire army of men. Thus, this quality help defines Mama Elena’s character …show more content…

IN doing so, this shows Mama Elena’s independence and valiant manner towards protecting her property against the army. Therefore, this also helps understand the femininity of the novel because of the courage Mama Elena takes up in this moment. Another reason why Mama Elena’s character is considered a depiction of feminism is because her traits are often described as being associated with a man’s characteristics. For instance, Tita discreetly explains that “when it came to dividing, dismantling, dismembering, desolating, detaching, dispossessing, destroying, or dominating, Mamam Elena was a pro (Esuivel 97). By using alliteration, MAma Elena’s character is defined as a woman contained with bold and aggressive impulses. Thus, representing male characteristics and traits that Mama Elena obtain, therefore, making Mama elena’s character a feminist figure. Another depiction of Mama Elena’s male-like traits is when “she could crack sack after sack of nuts in a short time, [and] she seemed to take a great pleasure in doing it” (Esquivel 230). Because of this, the characteristic traits of Mama Elena are viewed more as male qualities due to the powerful illustrated of Mama Elena cracking

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