Analysis Of Lynn Peril Pink Think

903 Words2 Pages

Javier Quiroz-Estrada
History 174
Pink Think
Throughout history, women were challenged with inequality and discrimination within a patriarchal society such voting in presidential elections, owning property and having job opportunities. During the last century, there have been many achievements that guarantee women rights and equality. For example, the Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote in 1920 and the Equal Employment Opportunities Law prohibited employers from discriminating against gender in 1988.1 In her essay, “Pink Think”, Lynn Peril argues about the pressure on women that follow the rules of femininity.2 She describes the word “Pink Think”, as ideas and attitudes of proper women behavior.2 Although there are still some aspects of “Pink Think” culture that is still recognized today, the shifts in cultural and political events in recent centuries have increased attention to women’s issues against social injustice. Nevertheless, Peril neglects the fact that women today are living in a totally different time than how she pictures it because of the newly evolved cultural attitudes of gender roles and identity, labor, and living the American Dream.
There has been a significant shift in this generation when it comes to gender roles and identity. In her book, Peril examines advertisements and propaganda from the 1940s to 1970s, when gender roles apparently influence stereotypes and societal pressure on women in America. In one of her examples, Betsy Martin McKinney told her readers of Ladies’ Home Journal that the sexual role of women is to have intercourse and complete it with pregnancy and childbirth and denying it would be denying her femininity.2 It is not right to take one person’s word and speak it fo...

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...xample, the sitcom Who’s the Boss? that is about a single mother who lives in a nice neighborhood with male nanny that takes care of her children. This show tells the audience how it is in reality as well. There is more about the American Dream than just stay-at-home wives.
Although Peril’s method of presenting the history of women through social media and pop culture, it is being overlooked. She neglect the fact that women today are living in a totally different time because of shift in gender roles and identity, labor, and living the American Dream. There is a lack of strong support her argument because the images are wrong in the way she describes them. Ignoring an entire topic about women shows lack of critical think and weakens her argument. By strengthening her argument, Peril can also acknowledge other women and their battle for women’s rights.

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