Analysis Of Love Poem To Los Angeles By Luis Rodriguez

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Hollywood Sign and Schoolyard boys Symbols in poetry can be a person , place , thing or idea . In the poem titled “ Love Poem to Los Angeles by Luis J. Rodriguez the poet uses the Hollywood Sign as a symbol to represent famous people . In another poem titled “Santa Ana of Grocery Carts “ by Aracelis Gimary the poet uses schoolyard boys as a symbol to represent young men who have died . The meaning of these symbols is similar because they both can represent people and how they’re special . However, the difference of these symbol is that the hollywood sign represents something only positive in the poem and on the other hand the schoolyard boys represent only something negative because it is related to death . The poem titled “ Love Poem to Los Angeles “ by Luis J. Rodriguez is about Luis Rodriguez’s experience towards Los Angeles . He has mixed feelings about the city and Los Angeles past. One of the symbols the poet use “ Hollywood sign “ . The symbols represent famous people it truly is live and work in Hollywood . Evidence in poem that suggests this meaning is found stanza #3 it states, “ beyond the fantasy - induced Hollywood spectacles . This quote is saying that the outsiders of Hollywood wouldn’t know what hollywood is like . For example , …show more content…

For example, the people in Santa Ana and the surroundings around her . Also, about her losing many people . One of the symbols is the poet uses is “ Schoolyard boys “ . The symbols represents the young men that have died in the early days . Evidence in the poem that suggests this meaning is found in stanza #2 which says “ The schoolyard boys underneath the ground “ . This means that the schoolyard boys died .The author has a upset feeling about it . As a symbol this represents something negative about the city . For example death and gangs in the city

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