Analysis Of Jenny Piroska

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I had the pleasure of interviewing a fifty –four year old woman whom I have known my entire life. She is my mother Jenny Piroska. She currently holds roles as daughter, mother, wife, sister, and therapist. My mother is in the midlife stage of her life. According to Erikson my mother is in middle adulthood or generativity vs Stagnation where she is focused on work and parenthood (Belsky, 2013). She was obedient child that require very little redirection from the guideline set by her parents while she was growing up. She was seen as a tomboy growing up because she enjoyed the outdoors and sports. She would rather be outside doing yard work rather than cleaning or cooking. My mother also had the responsibility of taking care of her younger siblings when her parents were not present. My mother lived in a small suburb in Ohio for nineteen years. She grew up in a very conservative home with a father and mother that have been married now for over fifty years. Her father was the breadwinner while her mother stayed at home to tend to the kids and the house. She has three sisters and one brother all whom still live in Ohio. An exciting part of her life is she has an identical twin sister, this allows her to always have a playmate. The family is very close knit. The women of the house were …show more content…

She has two daughters 20 and 27 years of age. They waited eight years before starting a family due her husband being gone a lot because of his military committed. During this time my mother started to embark on her dream to go to college. She worked, went to school and took care of the family all at the same time. She is now a therapist that works with children with special needs. Having children was a great experience because she has always worked with kids. She was always there to listen to her daughters because she stayed home when her girls were younger. This was a decision she and her husband made

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