Analysis Of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Source one is a quote by the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. He states that: “Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” The source states that even though human beings are all born free of chains, as they grow up and enter society, they find themselves unknowingly being put into chains. Rousseau believes that external and internal factors in society cause us all to become restricted and chained, that we believe we are free when we are constantly surrounded by restricting forces. The chains can be both physical or mental and are placed upon us by those who wish to control us. The source values self- determination, free-will, equality, and would favour constitutionally protected rights of citizens everywhere, such as those listed …show more content…

Within the image citizens from the third estate are seen shooting cannons, a fire has been started, and a woman is seen in the front of the image holding a sword as well as wearing a Phrygian cap, all in front of the Bastille. The source believes that the only way the French citizens will ever be free of their oppressive monarchy is if they rise up and take action themselves. The source would be in favour of all humans despite gender being able to be free to make their own choices as well as hold their own personal and political beliefs. For example, the source would agree with women’s rights and women's suffrage movements because they allowed women to have their own free will and a chance to be entirely independent of men which was heavily seen in the past. The source also agrees with the French motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” because it believes in the same values that all humans should be free, equal, and united together as a common group. The source would disagree with the British and their imperialistic ways because once they had taken over a country, those citizens were no longer free, were viewed as below the British and were forced to adopt many of the British’s ways of life. An example of this is when the British sailed to Canada and coerced the First Nations into leaving their “savage” ways behind and adopting the English’s principles. The source would also disagree with Napoleon Bonaparte because once he gave himself the title to be Emperor he began to take over neighboring countries next to France and forced the citizens of those countries to do exactly what his own citizens fought so hard to be rid of. The red Phrygian cap in the picture is a symbol of the freedom and liberty that the citizens were seeking from their imperious ruler King Louis XVI while the Bastille was a prison fortress that symbolized the immense power of the king. The

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