Analysis Of Iris Marion Young's 'Throwing Like A Girl'

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The lived body experience of a female plays the central role in Iris Marion Young’s work on strength and the concept of feminine bodily behaviour. In her 1977 essay Throwing Like A Girl, Young looks at the differences between ‘femininity’ and ‘masculinity’ in a physical context and a gendered embodied phenomenological perspective. Phenomenology is the study of consciousness from a first person perspective based on the subjective experience of embodiment (Merleau-Ponty 1945, cited in Young 1990, p. 39). Young (1990, p. 29,31) studied theories of Beauvoir and Merleau-Ponty where the gender is constructed by lived situations such as a woman’s physiology and lived body experience, and further examines the construction of behaviour of a female body. …show more content…

31). Following Young’s theory, society has already decided that women are a ‘weaker sex’ due to the belief that females respond to situations by limiting their physical engagement because they are not capable to concentrate their efforts on physical activities as compared to men (Young 1990, p. 33). Young (1990, p. 33) states that generally cis-women fail to engage with their body’s potential for an efficient performance as they are in a mindset where they do not have trust in their bodies to accomplish the same things as men. Moreover, trans-women are also forced by the pressure of society leading them to feel self-conscious of their movement and stiffen against performance as they are unsure on how to behave and act (Hines 2007, p. 55). This is due to their own experience as it can be confusing for a trans-woman to change from the hard-wired gender behaviours of their birth sex to their gender identity and therefore, most are limited to the comportment of gender stereotypes. This is the result of expression that transgender people choose to act on to better reflect their gender identities (Griffin 2012, p. 7). Similarly, this causes wasted motion and repression of strength by both cis-female and trans-female resulting from hesitancy that comes conforming to gender ideals that women are submissive and soft. Thus, this shows that the female body is culturally and socially denied to have their own identity, subjectivity and

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