Analysis Of Indian Food

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The zesty Indian food that you find across the restaurants worldwide would mislead your perception about the nutritional value of Indian Food. There they are full of spices and oil, but a traditional Indian Diet includes various curries, daal (pulses), rice dishes. In Indian Cuisine, balancing is the main SECRET! Too much of anything is never good for both of your health and taste buds. It is hardly what it looks like. Sorry to say, but it is actually a dietary minefield out there.
Keep on reading this article and discover some of the healthy traits of Indian Food;
1. Provisions Are Fresh
Generally, Indian cooking includes use of fresh produce; vegetables, fruits and seeds. As we all know, fresh produce is 1000 times healthier than the frozen ones. Hence, Indian diet keeps your body organs in shape and encourages your health. In fact, American Heart …show more content…

Use Of Dairy Products in Cooking
Milk, ghee, butter, paneer, yogurt; all these are the key dairy products widely used in cooking.
• Ghee is clarified butter and is claimed to possess certain health benefits. However, in modern Indian restaurant the vegetable version of ghee is used. Not sure, how healthy are they.
• Yogurt is good to gain some calories. 250 grams of yogurt means 150 calories. It is an exceptional resource of calcium, protein and carbohydrate. The bacteria present in yogurt of curd boosts your digestive system.
• Paneer or cottage cheese is made by curdling of milk. The protein and calcium present in paneer strengthens bones and teeth. It prevents osteoporosis and encourages weight loss.
Not to mention, milk is used to make various dishes including curries, meat dishes and desserts.
4. Not Calorie Rich
Indian culinary includes use of vegetables, fruits, pulses and herbs with a small calorie count. Indian Cuisine experts avert the unwanted calories and fats without compromising the taste. For instance, use of coconut milk in place of cream is a healthier option.
5. Fiber & Fat Content Is

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