Analysis Of Immaculee Ilibagiza's Left To Tell

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Left to Tell Essay

For nearly one hundred days in 1994, cruel murders took place in Rwanda by the unethical Hutu tribe. Over a million lives were lost, almost destroying the Tutsi race. Immaculée Ilibagiza, one of the survivors, openly shared her story with us. How? How were so many lives lost in such a short time? Is the main question asked when thinking of Rwanda. How on earth could more than one hundred thousand people do that, how could so many people think it’s logically okay to go through with something so evil. Seems like a horrible nightmare. If we were to look into what led them to do this, it becomes crystal clear that the initial factors was due to just the spread of falsity. Though it can’t be proven, it is often said that a small …show more content…

She didn’t write this book for people to pity her, no she wrote this book to share her gruesome experience and give people a mental image of Rwanda to her readers. She describes what life was there and the absolute true presences of evil throughout the genocide, she outlines the events that occurred and gave her audience the chance to walk in her shoes. English was not her primary language and she has had slim to no experience writing, Left to Tell is a truly inspirational piece that was had a great effect on …show more content…

She had to keep her faith because the Interahamwe and the Hutu tribe became more harmful and by staying solid she began to by the Lord’s holy power. God expressed Immaculee nothing but honesty, that her family had passed away and sadly this was the one and only thing she never wanted to hear. Yet, He told her everything was going to be alright, she knew she must stay alive even though the suffering will continue on. He prepared her for things like this, for the moments that would be proof He was still round, that he would never leave her. The Sermon on the Mount somewhat reflects the manipulation against Immaculee and other Tutsi’s after all they are innocent lives being jilted in brutal ways by the Hutu. “I drifted off to sleep shortly before dawn and had the most intense dream fo my life. I saw Jesus standing in front of me, his arms outstretched as though he were about to embrace me… Yet his eyes sparkled like stars when he looked at me, and his voice was as soft as a gentle breeze. ‘When you leave this room, you will find that almost everyone you know and love is dead and gone.’ he said. ‘I am here to tell you not to fear. You will not be alone- I will be with you. I will be your family. Be at peace and trust in me, for I will always be at your

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