Analysis Of Horatio Alger By Harlon Dalton

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In the piece “Horatio Alger”, Harlon L. Dalton criticizes the piece by calling it “socially destructive”. The Horatio Alger myth explains three messages that are all centralized around the fact that merit will overcome anything. The Horatio Alger myth claims that each of us is judged only based on merit. Dalton then delves into examples of this being false by explaining how African Americans have been judged solely based on race. The second message that is conveyed explains how everyone has a fair shot at reaching his or her true potential. Dalton disproves this statement by talking about the American underclass that he claims upward mobility is nearly impossible for. The third and final argument made in the myth is that merit will always out. Dalton uses basketball to argue …show more content…

While one person may want someone with outstanding ball handling skills, the opposing team may be in need of someone with an above average shooting percentage. Dalton’s arguments lead the reader to question the nation’s race problem, whether or not merit will equal out to success, and reflection on social position with certain achievements. The Horatio Alger myth essentially claims that no matter what social standing one has, they can always work their way up through hard work and determination. On the other hand, Dalton argues that this is not always true. “Is merit all we care about in deciding who gets what share of life’s goodies? Clearly not,” (Dalton 89). Dalton claims that we use other factors to decide how things are distributed and merit is not always considered. He also refers to an incident where a black student earned the

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