Analysis Of Haruki Murakami's 'Norwegian Wood'

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In the Story Norwegian Wood, by Haruki Murakami, Toru Watanabe is a lonely middle aged Japanese man who finds himself engulfed in nostalgia upon hearing a cover of the popular Beatles song “Norwegian Wood”. The powerful memories of his experiences seem to be connected to the song as he relates to the song in many aspects as a youth but triggers dark memories in him as an adult. The novel is autobiographical and the narrator, Toru, gives an account of his past life and experiences in college with nostalgic emotions especially for his young loves. He remembers himself as a peaceful, independent Japanese undergraduate student in the 1960s, who begins to fall in love with Naoko after Kizuki (Naoko 's sweetheart and Toru 's closest companion) commits suicide. Unfortunately, Naoko is overpowered with her life 's weights and her grief for Kizuki and hence rejects Toru 's friendship for the isolation she finds inside of her own contracting and separated world inside a sanatorium. The rejected Toru reluctantly contacts Midori, a candid and sexually confident young lady who is everything that Naoko can 't be. Throughout the story, Toru recalls each of the other significant people in his life at the time, each of them grappling with loneliness in their own ways. The novel is a deep …show more content…

The memories of the deaths of his friends and disappearance of others make him feel dizzy and sick as he recounts on how much he was robbed off of his adolescent life by these occurrences. Toru feels “sick” and “dizzy”; of course, he leans “forward in his seat, face in hands to keep his skull from splitting open”. “I 'm fine, thanks,” I said with a smile. “Just feeling kind of blue" (6). It is evident that he has not recovered or got over these losses he had to spend a significant amount of time trying to get an identity from books, films, and music which he seems not to

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