Analysis Of Hamlet's Struggle In Hamlet

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Hamlet 's Struggle
Hamlet, a play written by William Shakespeare in 1601 is arguably one of his top works. The main plot of this play includes a young prince striving to avenge his father 's death. It just so happens that his father 's killer is his uncle and his stepfather. Along the way Hamlet has behavioral moments that raise question about his state of mind. This complex piece of literature is full of advanced characterization that often leads the reader contemplating their interpretation. Specifically, many scholars often ponder whether Hamlet is truly mad, or if he is focused on achieving an end goal despite who or what may be affected on the way there. Hamlet is not mad, he is cunning, and the famous soliloquy, “To be or not to be” …show more content…

This quote from the play accurately portrays Hamlet 's view on death. “ To die, to sleep-No more-and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to- ’tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished” (3.1.68-2). This is the “Not to be”, it is his Hamlet’s contemplation of death which he likens to sleep. Hamlet sees sleep as a pleasant and desired experience especially in comparison to life 's miseries. Hamlet also sees death as the only control that one truly has in life. “ Death is therefore empowering: killing oneself is a way of taking action, taking up arms, opposing and defeating the slings and arrows of outrageous …show more content…

The line in the play that reflects this certain fear is this; “ Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscover’d country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all” (3.1.91). In this quote Hamlet identifies the reason for choosing life over death. While it may seem strange to suffer through life 's tribulations, it is the not knowing what the after life has in store that causes men to choose life. The thought that the afterlife may be even more unbearable than life makes cowards of us all. Hamlet connects death to sleeping which in turn brings up the idea of dreams, while sleeping is peaceful, the fear of the unknown in death causes him to realize his dreams may be more like nightmares. And this is what holds Hamlet back, that uncertainty has him questioning it all.
The three main aspects of this soliloquy arise the question. Is Hamlet mad? No Hamlet is not mad, the characterization of Hamlet is used in such a way as to make him seem so, but in reality Hamlet is a cunning young man. These next quotes emphasis Hamlets ability to maintain awareness to the plots and schemes of those characters around

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