Analysis Of God Is Not One By Stephen Prothero

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God is not One is Religion book written by Boston University professor Stephen Prothero takes eight religions in his case study. Each religion works in a framework of a four-part method: the problem, solution to this problem solution to the problem, technique, and Exemplar who chart this path from the problem.
In Islam community, the problem is pride. When Allah created the first human being (Adam), He commanded Satan to bow before Adam, out of pride and arrogance Satan defied. In Christianity, the problem is the sin. The doctrine of sin is the major issue in Christianity. Christian view it as an act of offense against God and violating His law. The origin of sin was in the fall of man in the Garden Of Aden when the man violated God's law and …show more content…

How will the different religions move from the problem to the solution? In Islam, Shirak law is achieved in performing the five Christianity, salvation to sin is achieved by having the faith, doing good works always and living to accordance to the teaching of the Bible. In Confucianism, order to chaos is achieved in an education ritual of five relationships and virtues. In Hinduism, the technique is composed of the three disciplines which are: karma yoga, nana yoga, and Bhakti yoga. This is summarized as ritual action, wisdom and devotion of love to the god in Buddhism, the Noble Eight Path which comprises of meditation and chanting hells the Buddhist relinquishing the problem of suffering. devotion and sacrifice id the technique of connection in the Yorba religion. Judaism returns to God by remembering what God did to them by saving them from captivity and obeying the God's law. Union with the Dao is the technique of flourishing to …show more content…

He was the Gods messenger and God's final prophet who came to confirm the teaching of his previous prophets. He helped the Muslim develop their strong religious belief. Among the Christians, Jesus Christ was a Jewish preacher and a religious leader. He was the son of God, and he came to save the Christians from their sin by sacrificing his own life on the cross. In Confucianism, junzi has many characteristics, he can live in poverty, he does more than he speaks, disciplines himself and he is loyal. He is a potential leader and son of a ruler and has the helped the Confucianism religion in a great Hinduism, Brahmin is a priest, a teacher, and protector of the sacred Hinduism they were the highest ranking, performed the social, religious ceremonies and rite of passage rituals. Mae Stella and Adefunmi have both striven to chart the problem to solution in the Yoruba religion Paradigm, sheimikhazah were great exemplar in Judaism. They influenced greatly in setting a pace to the Jewish followers and in following the technique in achieving the solution to their

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