Analysis Of Freedom To Die For

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Freedom to Die For This is a story about freedom, a story that exemplifies what it truly means to live freely, to be able to express one’s self throughout life, and that sometimes we may only find that freedom in death. Our main character, Mrs. Louise Mallard, is first introduced to us as the wife of Brently Mallard, not as herself, not as Louise. It begins by informing us that Mrs. Mallard, as she is referred, has “a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death” (236). Initially the deeper meaning of this statement is not obvious. We assume, at least on the surface, they mean simply that her cardiac health is questionable, and so great care must be taken not to cause her distress.
As the story unfolds and we begin to see the depth of Louise’s thought processes, the imagery that expresses these feelings of new-found freedom, and the reactions, or lack thereof, to the loss of her husband. We start to realize that there are two meanings to this initial statement of “a heart trouble” (236). We may come to understand through these subtle inferences that her heart trouble can also mean that although she is loved by her spouse, she is a passive, intelligent, unhappy woman, who has not had the pleasure of …show more content…

But, if we read carefully we find that she is described as a young woman, “with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength,” (236) and that there was “a dull stare in her eyes whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky” (236). We could surmise that she is instead looking to her future, in the midst of her grief, and that this is a completely acceptable, even understandable reaction for a young woman of strength and intelligence, who is realizing for the first time a sense of true

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