Analysis Of Flannery O Connor's Everything That Rises Must Converge

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Flannery O’Connor takes us on an interesting journey in her story “Everything that Rises Must Converge”. In my view she uses exaggeration and violence to convey her message. We have a story about a guy named Julian that is accompanying his mom to an evening exercise class, they take the bus His mother suffers from high blood pressure and her doctor has recommended she begin exercising. While his family comes from old money, they now live in a bad neighborhood in town. Julian sells typewriters for a living, he also just graduated from college. Julian’s mom is an old very opiniated woman, who distrusts black people. She feels as if she is better than black people, she feels important, and that she should be respected, after all she comes from …show more content…

The boys mother feels very insulted by this gesture/behavior, so she punches Julian’s mother in the face. Embarrassed by the event Julian’s mother decides to skip her exercise class, they walk home, during their walk home she passes out on the side of the street. In my opinion the idea of identity, and who each of them is as a person plays a big part in this story. Julian is strong, he is college graduate that is making his way in the world, open to new ideas, and inclusive of everyone around him. His mother on the other hand is very judgmental, she lives in a made-up phantasy world in a way. They are no longer a wealthy family, they ride the bus, they love in a poor neighborhood, she is not entitled in any type of way, yet she portrays herself as a rich woman, which comes from a good prestige family, that should be surrounded by servants and help, she feels herself to be above others, poor people, black people, just anyone that is not up to her standards. Flannery O’Connor presents us with a woman that is highly flawed, not at all as perfect as she tries to represent

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