Analysis Of Feminism In Salt Of The Earth

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The term feminism is often underestimated by society as it is often portrayed as a private problem rather than a social problem. This socially constructed term is interconnected with other principles that fit the needs of the oppressed, in this case women. For example, Professor Bettina interprets the term feminism as a means of equal power between men and women which include meaning, purpose, and activities in women’s lives. Aside from Professor Bettina’s definition of feminism, Chimamanda Adichie interprets the term as a social problem between men and women who acknowledge the problem and find solutions to solving the issue. Feminism is generally interpreted as the equality between men and women often ignoring what elements really make a
The strike was significantly (not necessary)organized by two important figures, Clint and Virginia Jencks. The objective was to fight for better wages and safety issues regarding the Mexican miners working environment. However, the Mexican miners were restricted from performing such strike due to the federal law, The Taft-Harley Act, which allowed a company to invoke a court injunction and possibly face criminalization. As a result, women took on the role of strikers, thus becoming the drive of the as a result of the social oppression these women faced during this period of time. As Lynn Weber addresses, “Race, class, gender, and sexuality are historically specific, socially constructed systems of oppression; they are power relationships. (Weber, 109) (maybe as the starter sentence.)Society tends to underestimate the power women have because society is taught to believe women are more vulnerable than men, which is often considered a fact. In this particular social movement, women were actively on the line while men performed household duties. These women were putting their lives in danger by confronting themselves with police harassment because they were prohibited from picketing. “If the choices individuals make are not the choices that dominant groups approve, then individual responsibility implies blame, and blame sets the stage for unequal treatment.” (Weber, 106) In this case, the dominant groups being the police enforcement and law officials were restricting the activities in these women’s lives. This is where Professor Bettina’s definition comes into practice as these women were being subjugated while trying to create social change; equal power between men and women which include meaning, purpose, and activities in women’s

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