Analysis Of Ernest Cline's Ready Player One

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School, to most, has always been a sort of place where some children felt they could escape everything going on back home. Other children enjoyed going to school, while others would dread the thought of such a thing due to bullying. However, in the novel “Ready Player One” Ernest Cline paints a new picture on what schooling could be in a virtual reality platform. His platform solves many of the normal problems we experience with school, such as classroom sizes, behavior and attitudes of the children. Also, adding more teaching styles and teaching tools to help better the learning experience. While there are all of these positives, it does come along with quite a few negatives, including no physical human contact, which when you think about …show more content…

With no more fights to worry about, the teachers did not seem to feel like they were there to babysit anymore, as well not feeling like they needed to be disciplinarians towards these children either (Cline, pg. 47). With this, teachers began to enjoy their jobs more because they no longer had to waste their time being disciplinarians and did not have to waste their time breaking up fights between students. These were not the only controls over their behaviors they had though. OASIS also made it to where they did not ever have to stop class to make sure another student was paying attention, because OASIS made sure that all of the children would be in their seats and that they would be sitting silently in doing so (Cline pg. 47). The classrooms were made to ensure that students would pay attention in their classes. All the teachers were responsible for was; to come to class, teach their students, and then leave. Nothing else was added to it, unlike in the public-school systems in the real world, where teachers were in charge of delegating every little detail. This allowed teachers to focus more so on their styles of teaching rather than having to focus and worry on the behavior of their students. Teaching styles were also expanded due to the simple fact that teachers could even attend a field trip with the children without ever stepping foot off the grounds of their school (Cline, pg. 47). To use an example, when Wade was in his Biology class, their field trip was to travel within a human heart, he also was able to tour Le Louvre while he was in art class. In addition to all these possibilities, he was able to visit the moon of Jupiter while in astronomy. This added expansion on teaching styles, gave the teachers within OASIS much more variety between their classrooms. Students reaped the benefits of doing

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